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Beneficial Nematodes for Organic Soil Bourn Pest Control
Nematodes are a beneficial microbe that helps to control fleas, cucumber beetles, grubs, Japanese beetles and many other soil dwelling pests.
There are 3 main types of beneficial nematodes you can use for organic pest control.
They also sell combinations of the 3 main types listed above.
- Beneficial Nematodes (Hb+Sc mix)
- Beneficial Nematodes (Hb+Sf mix)
- Beneficial Nematodes (Hb+Sc+Sf mix)
Looking to control a specific pest? If you find it on this list, you’ll be able to see which type of nematode needs to be applied to get your pests under control.
Heterohabditis bacteriophora (Hb) only:
- Ants (Queen)
- Asparagus Beetles
- Bagworms
- Banana Moths
- Banana Weevils
- Berry Root Weevils
- Bill Bugs
- Borers – Iris, Tree, Vine
- Carrot Weevils
- Chafers
- Citrus Weevils
- Colorado Potato Beetles
- Corn Root Worms
- Cranberry Root Weevils
- European Chafers
- Flea Beetles
- Fleas – Adult
- Gall Midges
- Grape Root Borers
- Grubs
- Japanese Beetles
- Lawn Grubs
- Masked Chafers
- May/June Beetles
- Pill Worms (Rollie Pollies)
- Raspberry Crown Borers
- Root Weevils
- Scarabs
- Sugarcane Stalk Borers
- Sweet Potato Weevils
- Termites (Queen)
Steinernema feltiae (Sf) only:
- Beet Armyworms
- Carpenter Worms
- Chinch Bugs
- Corn Borers
- Crane Fly Larvae
- Fall Armyworms
- Fire Ants
- Fly Larvae
- Fungus Gnats
- Gypsy Moths
- Humpbacked Flies
- June Bugs
- Mint Borers
- Pine Weevils
- Poplar Clear Wig Borers
- Root Aphids
- Rootknot Galls
- Sclarids
- Shore Flies
- Squash Vine Borer Larvae
- Subterranean Termites
- Thrips
- Tabacco Cutworms
- Wireworm Aphids
- Wood Borers
Steinernema carpocapsae (Sc) only:
- Caterpillars
- Cotton Bollworms
- Crambids
- Cranberry Girders
- Crate Flies
- Fleas – Larvae, Pupae
- Large Pine Weevils
- Leather Jackets
- Mint Flea Beetles
- Mint Root Borers
- Mushroom Fly Larvae
- Strawberry Root Weevils
- Wireworms
Both Hb + Sc:
- Black Vine Weevils
Both Hb + Sf:
- Cutworms
- Onion Maggots
- Ticks
Both Sc + Sf:
- Armyworms
- Artichoke Plume Moths
- Bad Nematodes
- Black Cutworms
- Bluegrass Weevils
- Cabbage Maggots
- Codling Moths
- Corn Earworms
- Fruit Flies
- Girdlers
- Hylobius Weevils
- Leaf Miners
- Mole Crickets
- Navel Orange Worms
- Roaches – American, Asian, German
- Scarab Grubs
- Sod Webworms
- Tobacco Budworms
- Webworms
- Weevil Grubs
- Wooly Aphids
All three (Hb + Sc + Sf):
- Cucumber Beetles