When it comes to garden tools, we’ve probably used just about everything.
From hand tools to wood chippers; even irrigation systems and various types of trellises and much more.
If you want to save yourself some time and money, check out our comprehensive list with some of the best gardening tools that I have used throughout the years of vegetable gardening.
Your Basic Hand Tools
Every gardener knows how hard durable hand tools are to come by.
After years of spending a few dollars on “cheaper” hand tools, I realized that I would purchase so many of them, that I could have simply spent that money on a good quality hand tool that would have outlived the dozens of cheaper tools I had purchased.
Here are some great hand tools that I’ve found to be great quality but that won’t empty your wallet either.
Hand Shovel
This hand shovel is honestly a steal! Great quality, long-lasting tool that’s around $5! Don’t even spend time looking at the higher priced ones. This one will outlast them all!
Gardening Gloves
I personally use 2 different types of gloves in the garden.
I love using these palm-leather gloves for general use around the garden and they also provide good grip. Also, because they are so thick, they have added protection from skin burns caused by using large tools like shovels and tillers.
The other type of glove I use around the garden is the claw gloves which I use primarily to help dig around the soil while keeping my hands clean.
After trying out many different hand tillers out there, I quickly settled for the Garden Weasel Garden Claw Pro. This tool makes tilling your soil virtually effortless, no matter how compact, thanks to it’s unique curved claw design. This tool definitely earned its place in the toolshed.
Pruning Shears
This is another item that I would purchase at a local dollar store only to realize how often they would break on me. Overtime I had spent over $10 on broken pruning shears.
Save yourself the trouble and get a decent pair that will last. For that same price, I got these at Amazon.
You can cut branches up to ⅝ inch thick with these things! Not only do they cut great but they last a long time.
Other General Garden Tools and Accessories
If you want your garden to be unique, this Harry Potter Wrought Iron Garden Trellis is the right one for your home garden!
However, if you’re more frugal, like the rest of us, then a basic trellis like this will do just fine.
Although…that Harry Potter one is really cool.
A-Frame Trellises
If you’re growing cucumbers, squash or other gourd plants, this A-Frame Trellis is a good affordable option for your home garden.
However, I do recommend these better quality ones, which are much more sturdy and come in two different sizes:
Pea Trellis
If you’re looking for a trellis for your peas and other climbing veggies, check out this one. It’s an expandable trellis with folding sections that make it easier to custom fit into your garden beds.
Tomato Cages
This customizable tomato cage is great because you can get it to fit your tomato plants just right, making sure your tomato plants don’t go all over the place.
If you’re looking for a nice harbor, but don’t want to deal with maintaining the cracking and peeling paint. Check out this maintenance-free arbor made from PVC. It’s durable, easy to assemble and even comes with a 20-year warranty!
If you’re looking for a mini-greenhouse to give your seedlings a head-start before spring arrives, then check out this simple 4-Tier Mini-Greenhouse. At 63-inches high, 18-inches wide and 27-inches long this mini-greenhouse is perfect for seed starting and can be used as a mini-nursery as well.
If you want something bigger but still “mini” – then check out this Mini Walk-In Greenhouse which is more than enough space for your seedlings and plants without having to install a large greenhouse.
Shade Cloth
Shade cloths are a must if you live in an area with extremely hot summers. The come in different strengths to suit your needs. Check out some of these:
- 40% Shade Cloth – Good shade protection.
- 50% Shade Cloth – Good shade protection, while still allowing plenty of light in.
- 70% Shade Cloth – Great shade protection, while still allowing plenty of light in.
- 80% Shade Cloth – Excellent shade protection. Great for desert climates.
- 90% Shade Cloth – The best shade protection strength out there. Perfect for extremely hot desert climates.
Raised Bed Kit
Choosing the right material for your raised beds is important. I’ve selected the best garden beds for the 3 most commonly used materials: metal, wood, and plastic. I hope this helps narrow down your choice.
- Metal Raised Bed Kit – Best quality, longest lasting garden bed option.
- Wooden Raised Bed Kit – 2nd best choice. Made from good quality cedar wood.
- High-Profile Wooden Raised Bed Kit – 2nd best choice. Made from good quality cedar wood. Great for those with back problems, kids and the elderly.
- Plastic Raised Bed Kit – Most affordable option. Great for starters.
Garden & Outdoor Lighting
There a variety of different lights you can use throughout your garden.
Here are the most common:
- Electric Powered Hanging Lights – Excellent for patios and gazebos.
- Solar Powered Hanging Lights – Great for patios and gazebos, saves on your energy bill. Not as bright as electrical powered lights.
- Solar Powered Walkway Lights (12-Pack) – Great for pathways, saves on your energy bill.
- Solar Powered Extended-Height Walkway Lights (4-Pack) – Great for pathways, saves on your energy bill. The extended-height and tiki-torch style make it a perfect fit general backyard decor.
Gardening can be a long and energy-draining task. The more time you spend in the garden, the more that having a nice seat around becomes a necessity.
Check out these 2 different options, they both double as a second item.
- Seat and Storage Caddy – Nice big seat with a lot of storage space inside the seat.
- Seat and Knee Cushion – A comfortable seat that doubles as a knee cushion when turned upside down.
Insect Homes
The more beneficial bug friends you have around, the higher your chances of having a successfully self-sustainable garden are going to be.
This wooden insect home is perfect for inviting bees, lady bugs and other beneficial bugs to stay in your garden.
Spray Pump/Atomizer (for organic pesticide application)
Having a good spray pump is important for when you need to spray your organic and homemade pesticide throughout your whole garden. A simple spray pump just makes the application process a whole lot easier.
Of course, if you can spend the extra cash, I highly recommend this Portable Fog Electric Atomizer Sprayer, especially if you plan to do some major pest control using a neem oil solution.
The atomizer spray produces a very fine fog, allowing for better coverage for your plants and an even application that ensures your plants have a good layer of protection against pests, even in the “hard to reach” areas in your garden.
Wheel Barrow
I made the mistake of assuming that all wheel barrows were created equal. Unfortunately, I came to that realization the hard way, by spending money on crappy wheel barrows that would eventually buckle under pressure from the weight of the dirt.
So what makes a good wheel barrow? Besides the size of the hull, the WHEELS are a HUGE factor when it comes to picking a good quality wheel barrow.
You want a wheel and tire that can support the weight of the amount of dirt that you want to carry.
This Gorilla Carts cart is honestly the last wheel barrow you will need to buy.
It has a 600-pound capacity AND 10-inch pneumatic tires to handle the load.
Even if you think this might be overkill, if you’re looking for a small wheel barrow, it’s totally worth getting for that price range. I’ve spent hundreds on smaller “rugged” wheel barrows, only to have them break under pressure when moving around some heavy dirt. Not fun.
Kitchen Compost Bin
If you’re tired of having to go outside every time you have food scraps to add to your compost bin, having a small countertop compost bin in your kitchen is useful for collecting your scraps until you are ready to dump them outside in your regular compost bin.
If you like your countertops to be clean and uncluttered, like my wife does, then you’ll probably be more interested in the under-the-counter compost bin styles, which we eventually got for our kitchen. They work great and the smell actually doesn’t penetrate as I thought it would either.
Outdoor Compost Bins
If you want to invest in one of the best compost bins out there, then you’ll want to get the Envirocycle Composting Tumbler which also doubles as a compost tea maker! This is honestly one of THE BEST tumblers out there and it’s made from very durable food grade BPA-free plastic.
Of course, if you’re looking for something more affordable but just as good, check out this durable compost tumbler. It’s an excellent choice for someone new to composting because it’s easy to use! It’s also BPA-free!
Compost Starter
Although using a compost starter isn’t always necessary, if you do want to give your compost a jump-start, using something like Dr. Earth’s Natural Compost Starter will do the job!
Wood Chipper
If you have an abundance of tree branches and trimmings, you might consider getting a good wood chipper.
Not only can you start breaking down the excess tree matter around your home but you can start using it for mulch around the garden or even incorporate it into your compost.
Check out this 14-Amp Wood Chipper and 15-Amp Wood Chipper that are reasonably priced for such a heavy-duty tool.
Of course, this tool is definitely not a necessity, but more for the garden that takes their composting and mulching very seriously. If that’s you, it might be worth checking out.
Solar Oven
Although a solar oven can be seen as a luxury item, it can actually be a very practical and convenient tool to have. Especially if you ever loose power or don’t have gas.
There are several high-end models out there, but this solar oven kit is perfect and comes with everything you need to start, even some pots, pans and baking sheets!
Here’s a more affordably-priced solar oven that also comes with a cooking pot and a starter guide which is great for beginners.
Your Irrigation Tools
Spray Nozzles
I think by now, I might be sounding like a broken record but I swear I can’t begin to tell you how much time and money was wasted trying out so many different nozzles from hardware stores and online, only to be disappointed with lousy products.
Check out this Heavy-Duty Garden Hose Nozzle that actually comes with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee!
Watering Wands
Give your back a break and use a watering wand!
This No-Squeeze Watering Wand is an excellent choice that can also give your hand a break from gripping so hard.
Spray Bottles
You can find a good sized watering spray bottle just about anywhere, even your local dollar store!
However, if you prefer to shop online, you can get this 3-pack of 32-ounce bottles for a great price on Amazon.
Getting a hose that won’t kink is one thing, but get a great quality, long lasting hose is another.
For some reason, I had always avoided getting those flexible expanding hoses, maybe because I had always seen them on infomercials and thought it was a silly product.
This was the expanding hose that changed my mind. It even comes with a spray nozzle. You’re welcome.
Soaker Hoses
When it comes to irrigation, conserving water always #1 on my mind.
Using a soaker hose system can help to save the amount of water you use in your garden, up to 70 percent!
Drip Systems
A drip irrigation system is one of the most commonly used irrigation systems but they can also be complicated to setup.
However, once you do, you won’t regret it. It will save you time having to go out and water (if you set up a hose timer) and will save you money on your water bill! It’s a win-win.
Ollas are another great irrigation system that helps to save on the amount of water you use to water your plants.
It’s an ancient technique dates back thousands of years to the desert farms of North Africa.
The small-sized ollas works great inside of medium pots and containers, while a medium-sized olla is a good fit for larger pots, planter boxes and small raised beds.
If you have a huge garden space to cover, then the large-sized olla is the one you’ll want to get.
For reference, 2 large-sized ollas can cover a garden bed as large as 8 feet by 4 feet.