Left: Myself, Founder of HomegrownOrganicFoods.com
Right: Ron Finley, Founder of The Ron Finley Project
Hey there, I’m Juan Hernandez AKA “The Hippie-Scientist” and I started growing my own organic food in the Fall of 2012. Throughout the years, I have learned so much about growing organic food at home and have even been fortunately enough to learn from some of the greatest mentors, such as Ron Filey (pictured above).
I have made it my mission to share what I have learned and provide the best educational information for those who want to start growing their own food at home, wether they live in a house or apartment.
The goal is to inspire, support and educate those who are beginning their journey of growing their own food but also provide great resources and expert tips for our more advanced gardeners.
However, I honestly believe that the best teacher is experience.
So go out there and try things out! Let us know what worked for you and what didn’t work for you.
We are always looking to grow and helping others to grow is our nature.
Thank you,
-The “Homegrown Organic Foods” Team